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Winter League | Carolina Hoopfest Basketball
Youth Basketball Tournaments in Charlotte NC | Basketball Tournaments Charlotte NC | AAU Basketball Charlotte NC

Carolina Hoopfest Basketball is excited to share our 2025-26 Champions Winter League (Winter youth competitive basketball league in Charlotte,NC) with you!  


The Champions Winter league is for competitive teams in grades 3rd-12th (D1/D2/D3) Multi-team discounts and multiple divisions are available! The events are held in various facilities in  Charlotte/Cabarrus County and surrounding areas. 

The Champions Winter league will consist of 8+ games per team for one low price! (typically 4 sessions total with teams playing two games per session).

Register EARLY for a discounted rate! 80 + programs competed in 2024, don't miss out! Open to: competitive teams, club teams, travel teams, school teams, & more! 

Saturday OR Sunday Options may be available (based on gym availability).

Tentative Winter Session Dates (2025-26):

Session I: December 6 or 7

Session II: December 20 or 21

 Session III: January 3 or 4

Session IV: January 17 or 18

Youth Basketball Leagues in Charlotte NC | Winter Basketball League Charlotte NC

Register EARLY for BIG SAVINGS! 

Winter League Charlotte NC | Youth Basketball Charlotte NC | Winter Basketball League Charlotte NC
Youth Basketball Tournaments in Charlotte NC | Basketball Tournaments Charlotte NC | AAU Basketball Charlotte NC
Sign Up for Individual date, HERE

Registration Process Explained:
1) Select Number of Teams

(Multi- Team Discounts Are Available!)
2) Select your division (see division list below)
3) Complete the team information form/ registration

A Paypal Account is not required- if paying with debit/credit: please select that option at checkout

Divisions Explained 

Division 1: Competitive/Travel Team 

Division 2: Competitive/Local Team

Division 3: Developmental Level/New Team

* The Winter League will include 4 regular season "sessions" - teams will typically play 2 games per session.

Venue(s): Cabarrus County/Charlotte Area facilities
Age Based and/or Grade Based divisions are available

Youth Basketball Tournaments in Charlotte NC | Basketball Tournaments Charlotte NC | AAU Basketball
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Youth Basketball Tournaments in Charlotte NC | Basketball Tournaments Charlotte NC | AAU Basketball Charlotte NC
Events Year Round, Meet us in the gym! 

Follow @carolinahoopfest on Instagram & Facebook

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